
7th Gr. Sketchbook Assignments

7th Gr. Sketchbook Assignments
Sketchbook assignments are worth 10 points each and will be checked every 2 weeks.   

1.       Value- Worksheet attached (Due Friday 1/24)  
a.  Read information about the element of art “Value.”
b.  Complete the 3 value scales on the worksheet using the different shading techniques.

2.       Form- Worksheet attached (Due Friday 2/7)
a.  Read information about form. 
b. Use the light sources to accurately shade the 4 shapes on the bottom of the page (ball, dice, bucket, & hat).  Also draw and shade the cast shadow of each object.

3. Form Continued- Worksheet attached (Due Friday 2/21) 
 a. Divide up a blank page in your sketchbook into 4 equal parts & draw 1 large form within each section (just like the handout). Draw the 4 basic forms (cube, cylinder, sphere, and cone).
 b. Draw a light source for each form and use it to accurately shade the forms and the cast shadow.

4.       Line- Worksheet attached (Due Friday 3/7)
a.  Draw 2 words using Descriptive Lettering.  Draw an adjective (a word that describes something else) and draw an Element of Art (Line, Value, Shape, Form, Space, Texture, or Color).


5.   Shape- No worksheet for this assignment  (Due Friday 3/21) 
a.  Design the ultimate school desk Be creative!

6.       Bookmark Design- Worksheet attached (Due Friday 4/11)
a.  Design a bookmark for the school library. The class will vote for the top 2 and they will be copied and put in the library.  (Winners get Kranstuber Kash!)

7.       Space- Worksheet attached (Due Friday 4/25)
a.  Draw an awesome landscape that you would like to see outside your bedroom window.  Include a foreground, middle ground, and background to help show depth.


8.       Texture- No worksheet for this assignment (Due Friday 5/9)
a.  Choose 2-3 animals to mix together in order to make a new creature. Color your creature showing the textures of the skin/fur.  Give your new creature a name.

9.       Drawing and shading hands- Worksheet attached (Due Friday 5/23)
a.  Read information about drawing hands.  Look at all the different methods shown.
b.  Draw your hand in 4 different positions (2 large hands per page) and shade them. 

10 Points of Extra Credit- You can get up to 5 extra credit points once a Quarter (First one due on or before Friday 3/21/14, Second one due on or before Friday 5/30/14)
Extra Credit Assignment- *Choose a drawing prompt from the list below and complete it to the best of your ability.
~Design a sweet tattoo for someone in particular
~Design a cool outfit (everyday, formal, costume…)
~Draw a 6-frame comic
~A mad scientist was working on combining animals with household objects.  You are an animal rights activist and freed the mutated animals.  Draw one of them.
~Make a collage (take visuals such as images or words and rearrange them in a new way) that covers an entire piece of paper (no white space)           

Fun Extra Credit Examples
-Design a tattoo for someone in particular

-Design a cool outfit (everyday, formal, costume…)

-Draw an 6-frame comic

-A mad scientist was working on combining animals with household objects.  You are an animal rights activist and freed the mutated animals.  Draw one of them.

-Make a collage that covers an entire piece of paper (no white space)


Policy on Late Sketchbook Assignments
-If a sketchbook assignment is turned in within 5 school days from the due date, you will receive full credit but it will be marked as "late" to serve as a record.
-If a sketchbook assignment is turned in more than 5 school days late, you may only receive half credit maximum and it will be marked as "late" to serve as a record.
-If a sketchbook assignment is turned in more than 10 school days late, you will receive a zero for the assignment and it will be marked "late" to serve as a record.