
Thursday, October 25, 2012

7th Gr. Gridded Drawings

For this project, students learned about photo-realist painter Chuck Close who uses grids to create hyper-realistic artworks. Students selected a photograph and gridded it and their drawing paper and copied the photograph square by square.  They did a wonderful job and greatly improved their drawing skills!

To see more awesome drawings click on the "7th Gr. Art" tab!

Monday, October 1, 2012

7th gr. Beanie Baby Comics

For this assignment, students applied their drawing skills and drew and shaded what they saw.  They chose and set up the beanie babies to create these hilarious comics!  See the post below "The 5 Skills of Drawing" to see the specific skills they learned.  Click on the comics to make them larger.

Click on it to make it larger.  To see more awesome comics, go to the "7th Gr. Art" tab.

Awesome job, very funny!