
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

8th Gr. Clay Pieces

For this project, I told students that if they do not take a ceramics class in high school or college, that this could very well be the last time that they make a clay artwork.  The assignment was to make whatever they wanted in consideration of that fact.  Students were very creative and made some really nice pieces!!


Awesome job!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

6th Gr. Clay Sandwiches

Students were Very creative with this project where they made a sandwich of some kind and gave it a personality.  Also, the top buns come off to expose a secret box in the middle! 

Awesome job 6th grade!!

8th Gr. Cancer Research and PSA's

Before we started making the "Worry Dolls" (above) for children in the Oncology Unit at Children's Hospital, students research different types of cancer and taught the class about the type of cancer.  Along with their presentation, students created a Public Service Announcement:
video and slideshow

 Poster about Pancreatic Cancer and a bottle with a label of facts about Pancreatic Cancer designed to inform those who's diagnosis correlates with Alcoholism

Stop Motion Video 

Excellent work 8th graders!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Worry Dolls- Service Project
For this project, our class made "Worry Dolls" for children at Children's Hospital in the Oncology Unit.  First, the students did research and learned a lot about different types of cancer.  We also had some fantastic guest speakers who have/have had cancer that spoke to the students about their experiences.  Their stories and outlook on life were inspirational!  
Dolls that remove worries, or "worry dolls", are very small and colorful dolls traditionally made in Guatemala.  The idea is that a person who cannot sleep due to worrying can express their worries to the doll and place them under their pillow before going to sleep.  The doll is thought to worry in the person's place, thereby permitting the person to sleep peacefully.  The person will wake up without their worries, which have been taken away by the dolls during the night.


Students made worry dolls for children at Children's Hospital in the Oncology Unit.  They also gave the children supplies and instructions on how to make their own worry dolls for a loved one.  They wrote a note of encouragement and made these awesome fabric envelopes to hold it all together!  

AWESOME JOB 8TH GRADE!  You made a positive difference in someone else's life!

6th gr. Op Art- Optical Illusions

Students learned about the art movement that started in the 1960’s called Op Art.  Op Art is a style that uses geometric forms (shapes) and color contrast (opposite colors) to create the illusion of movement or 3-D space.  The students practiced making many optical illusions and selected their favorite design for their final artwork.  They did a wonderful job using creativity, good balance, composition, and craftsmanship in their artworks. 


To see more awesome illusions check out the "6th Grade Art" tab!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

6th Grade Self-Portrait Doodles

This project serves as a great opportunity for the students to really get creative and express themselves. We started by making a signature Artist Trading Card (See post below for more pics of ATC's) by painting the background of a card, adding their initials and patterns, and finally they made a custom sticker of their face!  The rest of the drawing and painting shows the student's interests and personality.  Very fun project!

Great work 6th grade!